Sunday, March 12, 2017

Haunters Guide to Transworld

Transworld is a complete sensory overload. If you’re not familiar with the show, it is the Industry’s guide to what is new and upcoming - props, makeup - facades, marketing - there is an enormous amount of information and education that is available at the show - including classes and plenty of eye candy. 
As an attendee it’s very easy to wander through getting lost if you don’t have a game plan - which may not be exactly what you want. The show can be expensive, so let’s use your time and money wisely. Here’s some tips to maximize both.
Please note - you must own or belong to a Haunted Attraction or related business in order to register for the show

With 3 days of classes, there’s an enormous amount to choose from.
My picks for owners/managers both land on Saturday. Each class is $50 if pre-registered

“It’s Show Time” With John LaFlamboy
11:30-12:30 - Room 101
Zombie Army’s fierce brand of acting is what drives customers. This has been proven through their growth and loyal followers over the years. John is a hands on creative, knowing how to pull the best from his crew to get results.

Formula for Fear - Margie Kerr
10:15-11:15am - Room 102
Behavioral science is not just for textbooks and classrooms - it works very well when targeting customers. Margie’s class promises to show how to manipulate the mind along with the senses - giving your audience something to really write home about.

Artists Friday

Glen Hetrick
11:15-12:15am - Room 105 - $40
Artists will not want to miss Glen’s appearance - his amazing props are not just attractive, it’s his journey on up. Starting as a janitor to creating some of the best visuals in the entertainment business - his story is very inspiring and he knows great talent and focus.

Using Prosthetic Makeup
10:15-11:15am - Room 104 - $50 pre-registered
Face-off contestants - Evan Hedges, Kevon Ward and Michael Faust take you on a journey in prosthetics. Much of their work is now featured seasonally at 13th floor - known for their visually stimulating productions

Bloody Mary Class - Bobby Weiner
9am -10am - Room 231

class Saturday morning to create Frozen Zombie Makeup. Attendees will get their own makeup kit - get there early for guaranteed entry.

Business Owners/Managers

Website and Logos
Sunday Morning - 9am -10 am
- FREE Seminar
Chris and Chad are known for their stunning visuals. This rare round table event is not to miss out on.

There are also several listings here for Marketing. If you’re new to the business - I recommend Digital Marketing, Making additional money and Sponsorship.

The last two possibly more important then the first if you own a brick and mortar haunt. I enjoy creative ways to keep visitors happy - timed ticketing, additional attractions, games. This not only encourages additional participation and revenue generating but. will likely add to your visitor’s experience telling their friends about their visit - word of mouth is essential to staying in and maintaining consistent growth in business.
 In a very dense industry it is only wise to take care of your roots for long term success.

- working on the other end with my business I know when and if we would enjoy continuing that partnership. Keep your sponsors happy by continuing patronage. Our best sponsors currently are the Street Outlaws - who have put us in a much larger bracket - with both sales and reputation - and in the business world, this is king. Well thought out, these relationships are win/win for everyone involved.

Those looking to get their feet wet in the Industry - there is a FREE Seminar Friday Morning - Laying the Foundation for an Awesome Professional Haunt

Universal Studios
will also present I’m sure what will be an amazing seminar Thursday morning.

Midnight Syndicate
- is hosting two events at this year’s event. The first - a FREE seminar Saturday at 10am which will go over making music for the industry. Topics include tips of effective use of music in haunts, legal and creative process, and a Q & A by Rich Hanf.

Saturday at Noon - Gavin and Ed will meet with their fans - in full concert appeal ~ signing autographs, taking pictures. It is their first meet and greet at a convention together in over 10 years. Booth #1222

Don’t be a Bully
- kicks off their silent auction in booth 1907 Thursday morning - runs until Saturday at 5pm. Be sure to stop by and bid on some of these fantastic donations.
Click here for more information: 

Home Haunters will also have a chance to meet up and share ideas. Main meet date is Wednesday the 22nd - however, there are more opportunities to be announced. Link for more information:

There are of course parties and networking opportunities after the doors of the show close for the evening.
Aside from The Darkness, Phobius Haunted House will be open Saturday evening. About an hour’s drive from the Convention Center in St Louis. Admission is $25

I also recommend taking a small detour and visit Soulard - a small neighborhood founded by Breweries. Ghost tours are $20 -

I hope you walk away from Transworld with enough information for a very successful season. It truly is one of the greatest experiences for being creative and planning -  and the start of our Halloween
Best of luck ~
Registration, dates and information can be found at: 

Check out highlights from our visit to last year's show:

Year round calender of horror, conventions, art shows and Industry related events check out my site at

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